Our Wonderful God: The Process.

When I first wrote Our Wonderful God in 2022, it was so much fun to write. I had never experienced the flow of words and the challenge of making them rhyme in the way that I did the night I wrote it.
The experience of writing it felt...holy. I can't really explain it other than to say that I prayed before I wrote it. I asked God to guide my words and create something beautiful out of them.
I sat in the chair in my prayer room for an hour and a half, tinkering with the words and figuring out how many syllables there were in each line, so that reading them would be smooth.
I'd be lying if I said it all came to me easily. It didn't! But it did come from God, In a "messy" process.
It happened like this: I picked a handful of words that sounded "spiritual". Words like "God, world, pray, church, light, and love". And then I went online and found words that rhymed with those words.
For example, with the word "pray" I'd find rhyming words like "day, say, stay, pay, okay, today", and then id try two out together to see if I could make two verses that went together. And it turned into a sentence like:
"He made you so special, with a wonderful heart.
You are His creation, His loved work of art"
If the syllables were off and if it read funky, I'd change up the words to make them shorter or longer.
For example, " He made you so special, with a wonderful heart. You are His creation, His loved work of art." Sounds better to me than:
"He made you so amazingly, with the very best heart. You are His creation, His most wonderfully created piece of art".
The second one is "clunky" and "wordy" in my opinion. It doesn't read smoothly out loud. So I didn't make sentences like that.
It took some trial and error. The pattern that came naturally to me was to write a pair of stanzas together, rhyming the two ending words on each one. I also paid close attention to how many syllables were in each line of a stanza, so the flow would be great.
For example:
"Before time and creation, nothing was flawed.
The only thing here was our wonderful God."
Two lines, with a rhyming word at the end of each one, to create one whole image of its own.
If you've read my first article, you'll know that that first image is God on a mountain with his arms in the air, looking over His creation. Just Him and His creation. One complete scene.
The next scene is the same pattern, and so is every other scene in the book. Two stanzas with endings that rhyme, each making up one scene.
As the rhymes were being created, they ended up forming a story-through the guidance and power of God bringing those sentences to my mind, for His glory.
Something I've really battled with since the story has been completed is feeling prideful. But it wasn't only me who came up with the words that formed the story- it was God. I asked Him at the beginning to bring the words to mind and He did. I was His tool to get them out to the world. The glory goes to Him and not me.
I am excited to see what God does with this story. I'm grateful He created it through me and can't wait to see what's next.
Thanks for reading. ❤️